Salvador, welcome!
Some say that Salvador is the most beautiful and interesting city in the world. I agree with that. There is always good mood, laughter, and music on the streets. Located on the bay and at the same time the open sea.
Salvador also has a lot to offer culinarily. Fresh seafood, juicy meat, tropical fruits. Simply everything you need to be happy. To compensate for fluid loss, you can drink a fresh coconut, an ice-cold beer, or a Caipirinha.
A important topic is certainly music, which can be encountered at every corner. From traditional music, African influence, samba to modern music. All to have, or to hear.
They say you can visit a different church every day of the year. I haven't tried or checked it. Maybe not the whole year - but surely for a few days it is enough. Apart from that, there are still beautiful buildings from the colonial period, the old town with the Pelourinho (World Heritage Site), museums, theaters, and countless other attractions.
The population is simply a dream. Always with a smile on their lips, always ready for a laugh, helpful and friendly. Salvador's motto: "Sorria, ta na Bahia!" (Smile, you are in Bahia!).